5 Smartphone Photography Tips

Digital camera tips: 1. Always reset your camera settings When you first buy a digital camera, or even after years of using one, it can be easy to get complacent and not bother to reset the camera settings. However, there are times when even a year-old camera has become obsolete. Perhaps you got a gift from someone else or maybe your current lens doesn’t work as well as you thought it did. Whatever the reason may be, it’s important to remember that setting the camera up properly and then saving the settings will mean that in the future, when you want to use your camera again, you’ll be able to take photos just as well as the first time.

Digital camera tips: 2. Shoot in RAW format As you probably know already, some cameras allow you to manually focus, expose and focus in the same shot. While this is convenient for many photographers, many action cameras allow you to do this with the click of a button. This is because most action cameras have a system that allows you to create as many images as you need at any given time. If you really want to create as many images as possible, then turn off the automatic function and take your shot in RAW format.

Digital camera tips: 3. Shoot in RAW format If you’re shooting on a point and shoot camera, chances are that you aren’t going to be able to edit your images in any way. That said, it can be a good idea to convert your images to RAW format if you want to save yourself some editing time. There are a number of different camera companies that offer services that will convert your images to RAW format. In fact, there are a number of services online that specialize in doing just this.

If you’re using a larger size disposable camera, you should know that the sizes available today are much better than they were just a few years ago. With so many choices in size and functionality, you can’t go wrong when choosing a camera with a long lens or if you’re taking pictures with a larger, more zoomed lens. If you’re taking pictures with a smaller camera, such as a point and shoot camera, you should keep in mind that you are only able to crop the image once it has been processed.

  1. Know your shutter speed and focal points When you’re using a point and shoot camera, one of the most important things to remember is to always know the focal points of your photograph. One of the things that can make or break an image is when you have it too dark or not enough contrast. To avoid this, experiment with various settings and change the exposure settings until you find an exposure setting that works. This is especially true when using portrait mode. In portrait mode, you should always experiment with the exposure to see how you can get the right exposure without completely blowing out the image.
  2. Experiment with the distance between the lens and the camera itself Even though the iPhone can take great pictures, sometimes it will miss the mark. If you’re taking pictures outdoors, this can be especially frustrating. One of the best iPhone tips that you should follow is to focus slightly further away from your subject, allowing for more depth of field and a nice background. It’s important to remember that you don’t have a motor running all the way from your camera to your arm, so you can’t accelerate the process. Instead, simply focus on a distant object while holding the iPhone in front of you, and then take a picture.
