4 Early Signs You’re Developing an Abscess

Dental abscesses develop when a bacterial infection leads to a build-up of pus beneath your gums. Abscesses can be extremely painful, and it’s possible for that infection to travel to other parts of your body – in some cases, bacteria can even be transmitted to your body’s most vital organs.

Dental abscesses typically result from untreated tooth decay, gum disease, or a cracked tooth, allowing bacteria to infiltrate the inner layers of the tooth. Considering the dangers associated with having an abscess under your teeth and gums, it is important that you consult a dentist specialized in periodontics Chelsea, or wherever you’re based if you’re experiencing any of these. If oral abscesses are left untreated, this kind of infection can spread to surrounding tissues or even enter the bloodstream, posing severe health risks.

With that in mind, You’d want to learn these four early warning signs.

  1. Unpleasant Taste

As stated above, dental abscesses tend to produce a lot of pus, and pus isn’t renowned for its pleasant taste. In a way, that’s good news; you can often tell something is wrong when you notice an unpleasant taste in your mouth. If there’s an infection somewhere that’s leaking even a small amount of pus, you might notice a bitter, salty taste that won’t go away no matter how much you brush your teeth or wash out your mouth. Such a symptom warrants you to have a dental professional deal with them at the earliest opportunity.

  1. Pressure and Discomfort

Dental abscesses can become quite painful if you allow them to develop, but, at first, you’re only likely to experience a sense of discomfort. You might feel throbbing or stabbing over an area of your gums that seems to have something growing beneath it. If that discomfort abates, you should still see a Washington DC dentist (if that is where you live). It could simply be that the infection has reached the pulp and caused the tooth to die.

  1. Swelling or Discoloration

As dental abscesses progress in severity, distinct symptoms become evident. Swelling often manifests around the jaw or cheek area, potentially leading to discomfort and a noticeable change in facial appearance. Additionally, the swelling may extend to the lymph nodes, causing sensitivity and discomfort in the neck region. Another indication is the development of swelling along the gums, occasionally accompanied by redness. This can be a source of tenderness and pain while brushing or eating. If you encounter any of these indications, reaching out to a dentist akin to those at Tabor Dental Associates is crucial to address such concerns — their website, https://www.smilesthatrock.com/, can offer a convenient means of scheduling an appointment.

  1. Feverishness

One of the final signs people tend to experience before suffering actual pain is feverishness. It doesn’t always happen, but there’s a chance you’ll start to feel unwell as the amount of pus in your mouth grows larger.

Oral health makes up a large part of our daily hygiene, and while people are aware of routine procedures like brushing and flossing, sometimes, despite full care, issues can develop. If you find yourself suffering from any of the abovementioned symptoms, make sure you visit a dentist sooner rather than later. If you nip an issue in the bud, your chances of evading serious dental issues like abscesses may increase significantly. Furthermore, beyond the immediate advantages of maintaining oral health, dental visits serve as a proactive approach to overall well-being. By preventing dental issues before they escalate, you not only save yourself from potential discomfort and costly treatments but also contribute to your long-term health.


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