Why your business must have a mobile-friendly website

Google deliberately boosts the results of mobile-friendly websites in its search results and penalises non-responsive websites. If your site is designed for larger screens only, it’s going to be harder for your customers to find. Still need convincing to invest in a web design that’s optimised for mobile devices? Here’s the breakdown:

  • Websites that are optimised for mobile target larger markets. Don’t miss out on connecting with customers or clients who have mobile devices with slower or limited access and smaller screens. Across demographic groups, more and more people are choosing to access the internet via mobile devices.
  • Make customers or clients happy. A fast, convenient visit to your website translates to a positive overall brand experience and gives you an edge on the competition. Conversely, a dated website that loads slowly, is challenging to read or navigate, or doesn’t function at all makes visitors frustrated and contributes to a negative impression of your business.
  • Don’t get left behind. The use of mobile browsers isn’t going anywhere, and if anything, is continuing to increase. A static website design oriented around larger computer screens is ageing alongside last-decade (or century) trends such as café brown backgrounds and chat rooms.
  • Take advantage of new and creative opportunities via mobile. In-store shopping, on-the-go entertainment and bite-sized information are all in high demand as customers access the internet throughout their day. Be where your customers want you at all times and enjoy the rewards of being their go-to resource as a result.

A mobile-friendly website design should be the top priority on your list of investments and upgrades for online properties, but what if you don’t have the internal resourcing to make it happen? For businesses using a content management system, many platforms now offer responsive design and mobile-friendly features baked into the templates.

Sound too technical? You may want to bring in the skills of a web design agency like https://www.webenertia.com/ to communicate your brand message, achieve your strategic goals, and keep everything working and looking great on all sizes of screens and types of devices.

Working with a contractor can be much simpler when you work with an umbrella company, which will help you to manage the contracts and invoices, and help to resolve any concerns related to contractor pay and compliance with tax legislation.

Designing a website that’s responsive to a wide range of device sizes and capabilities is smart future-proofing that pays off in traffic to your site, sales, positive brand share and increased visibility. Upgrade or optimise your business’s web presence today to take advantage of the full benefits of a mobile-friendly website.


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